Thursday, March 10, 2011

KZ200 Rider On The Beach

This is picture of my friends from Black Mangoes Motor Club which is taken at Tirtamaya Beach, Indramayu – Indonesia. Shoot in the morning during the sunrise. I like the lighting and atmosphere of silence.
Kawasaki KZ-200 Year 1983 modified with chopper style make the perfect silhouette of this picture. Thanks to Embong for the great job.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

History of Choppers

Author: Chris Martin

Many people are crazy about bikes and for them it does not count the number of bikes they have. This craze gives them the possession of some of the most adorable bikes, in the motorcyclist community you will find a group of people who love their bikes to be responding to the basics. They are the persons who love to ride bikes that are powerful, fast and just have the essentials. Further choppers have a unique styling statement to them. Choppers are created by taking an existing bike or a new bike tearing them apart and creating a bike which is on their own terms and specifications; this is how the creation of choppers takes place. To define choppers, is obviously a difficult task, choppers are fairly flexible customized motorcycles which do not possess anything else other than what is required for it go- from windshields and mirrors to the brakes and the speedometers.

As far as the history of chopper is concerned, the choppers were developed after the Second World War. The former soldiers wanted the motorcycles like the one’s they drove during the war, so they brought bikes and modified them according to the one’s they had during the war times. The bikes that they built were like the ones wherein the front fender were taken off from the bikes and the rear fender came into two sections and the soldiers just took off the rear most portion. The new shorter fenders were called as bobbed fenders and the people who used the bikes after such modifications were referred to as bobbers.

After this there were radical changes in the bikes or to the choppers, there was a state wherein many of the people would strip every piece of the bike and rebuild it strip by strip. Building a chopper requires lots of knowledge about the engineering of the bikes. They fabricated the different parts including the exhaust pipes or gas tanks so that they could feel the experience of their self designed bikes. It was at this stage that the people began to call these bikes as choppers because they had chopped each and every part of the bike and created something new.

In the 1960’s and 1970’s some of the movies like the "The Wild One" and the "Easy rider" featured these choppers and thus the choppers were in the limelight. It was after this that the nation saw many chopper enthusiasts , the crazy bikers almost spent about months and several weeks to design their customized bikes and all for various needs like comfort, touring, speed and even to create the styling statement.

In the 1980s the motorcycle companies also began to offer the customized bikes or the choppers based on some of the most popular designs. But after the economic recession the culture of choppers so its decline but how long the crazy bike users can survive in 1990 again there were many companies offering many different varieties of choppers. In this recent days the choppers new creation really rocks.

About the Author

Chris Martin is a SEO Copywriter of Choppers history. He has written many articles on Custom choppers, custom chopper kit, chopper motorbike, chopper for sale …etc. For more information visit: Xtreme Texas Choppers or email us at

Looking for parts to accessorize and customize your motorcycle?

Author: Article Syndication

Your motorcycle is more than just a vehicle. It is a way of life. It represents an attitude. Think Easy Rider. Traveling on the long open road in amotorcycle can be an incredible, liberating experience. Depending on your needs, you can customize your motorcycle to adapt to your style and taste as well as utilitarian needs. There is so much that you can do with a motorcycle and with just a few adjustments and adding a few accessories, you can achieve a really dynamic looking bike. Here are some things you can consider when building or customizing your bike and how to select the motorcycle gear you need for the project:

  1. 1. What is your goal for your bike??
In customizing your ride or choosing motorcycle accessories, you have to be very clear when it comes to your purpose. Do you need the bike for work, commuting or for cruising around time? Do you want to race your peers up the mountain? Do you want to use themotorcycle for off road adventures? Do you want to just tinker with your ride and enhance its existing features? Whatever your reason, there are motorcycle parts that will fit your every need.
The great thing about the motorcycle is that every detail of your ride can be customized and enhanced. Every single thing you do can be changed. Here are some options that might help you out in choosing your motorcycle accessories:
  • If you want a simple and less flashy appeal, you can opt for motorcycle gear like wind screens, engine covers or caps, motorcycle gloves, enhanced pedals and replacement gears and bolts. This is an excellent option for those who want to simply improve an old motorcycle without making drastic changes.
  • If you want more utility, you can add saddlebags so you can transport your professional items, i.e. architectural plans, business designs, reports and supplies. Extra storage can save you valuable time and help you to meet your business demands.
  • If you use your motorcycle for a more rigorous purpose like driving in very tough terrain or to competing in racing competitions, then you will want to improve on the engine. Motorcycle gear and enhancement devices can be used to increase engine performance. You can also improve the tires and suspensions of themotorcycle . It is essential to understand that the engine to be used should not overpower the existing suspension system. This will improve the performance and lessen wear and tear.
  • For fully customized bikes, of course you will be using similar kinds of motorcycle parts and gears. However, most of the time, you will be needing help from specialists to create custom shapes if you want to change the whole geometry of themotorcycle. Professional metal cutters can use computer technologies to create the form of the motorcycle to improve the functionality and appeal. This kind of customization is known as chopper style, and you can find unlimited sources of inspiration for transforming your bike. The end result will be like a trophy in your garage.
  1. 2. What is your budget?
When it comes to customization, budget is a big aspect. Choosing the right motorcycle gear will depend on how much you can spend. If you are only planning on changing very minimal things, costs can easily be maintained. The motorcycle accessories are available online and most are geared to fit universally with any bike. There are some that are configured on specific models and brands of motorcycles. If you want to know more, ask the dealer or send an email to let them help you find your motorcycle accessories.
The budget will greatly affect how big your customization will be. Remember, as stated earlier, the motorcycle can be customized in its entirety using readily manufactured motorcycle gears or parts and there are those that have to be fabricated to match specific motor needs. The more intricate the customization, the greater the cost.
  1. 3. What brand are you currently using?
There are certain models and brands of motorcycles that are geared for specific purposes, for example Harley Davidson. Some motorcycles are sporty in design and have more engine power for acceleration and speed. Some bikes are geared for short distance driving, others for long hauls. Your existing motorcycle can be enhanced to become sportier by adding essential motorcycle parts. Some motorcycle accessories like plastic kits, foot pegs and grips are good for dirt bike customization. You can also add motorcycle accessories like decals for added flair and design.
Again in the case of a chopper style motorcycle, you can take your bike down to its bare bones and basically start from scratch. If you want to make your bike really edgy, full customization may be for you. The sky is the limit for a fully customized bike. Of course, you need to have a concept and design in mind and not just buy various motorcycle parts. In customized bikes, you can go for companies that sell custom parts but sometimes the quality is an issue. It is best to be hands on and have a great help from specialized customization companies. From there you can add aesthetic touches on your bike.
In a Nutshell: Choosing to accessorize or customize a motorcycle from ground up is a matter of choice. The most important aspect in doing these projects is finding the best and highest quality motorcycle parts for your ride. From the handle bars to the engine of the motorcycle, you can go crazy with customization and accessorizing. However, the quality and of course the functionality of the motorcycle accessories on the road will be the determining factor of its overall appeal.
Do your research, follow tips from professionals and really think about your desired end result so you can choose the best motorcycle gear for your precious ride. Happy building!

About the Author

R. Harley owns a website called "D2Moto.Com" which is a great place to buy Motorcycle Accessories. If you want to buy Motorcycle Accessories in real competitive price then this is right place for you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Motorcycle Saddlebags History

Saddlebags are most commonly used to carry luggage on a motorcycle. There are 2 major kinds of motorcycle saddlebags. Throw over saddlebags and hard mount saddlebags. The concept of hard mount saddlebags originated from throw over saddlebags which were used in early 1950 for the first time.

As the motorcycle industry experienced a big boom in 1960 especially after the Vietnam War the motorcycle luggage also evolved. As major motorcycle companies launched bigger and better motorcycle people started traveling farther on there motorcycles. Many riders formed groups and rode cross country and from city to city. The throw over style of saddlebags was soon replaced by a better and more reliable way of carrying luggage.

A group of riders drilled several holes in the back fender of their motorcycles in order to permanently bolt the saddlebags to the motorcycle. This permanent installation resulted in the saddlebags being more reliable and sturdy. This step also contributed towards the aesthetic appeal of the motorcycle. The trend soon gained popularity amongst the riders.

Motorcycle companies like Indian Motorcycle Company and Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company noticed this trend and soon started producing motorcycles with struts. The struts enabled motorcycle riders to bolt the motorcycle saddlebags without making any permanent changes to the motorcycle such as drilling holes in the back fender. Later the same strut enables other accessories to be securely mounted on a motorcycle such as motorcycle carrier and sissy bars.

As the Asian motorcycle manufacturers such as Kawasaki, Honda and Yamaha made their way into North American market they also made sure that the riders get enough room for the luggage. Yamaha motorcycles are a classic example of this as they manufacture most of their bikes with most room for the saddlebags. They also make sure that the turn signal does not interfere with the saddlebags, a common problem with smaller motorcycles.

In 1980 the motorcycle companies realized that most 1000 cc and above motorcycles are used for long rides. To further add value to their motorcycles they started selling motorcycles with fiber glass saddlebags. These motorcycles did well as most of these came with the motorcycle specific luggage. This also saved the motorcycle rider a lot of time and headache.

Despite the popularity of factory installed saddlebags motorcycle riders still prefer leather saddlebags in most cases. This is due to the fact that motorcycles leather saddlebags can be customized to a greater degree as opposed to motorcycle specific fiber glass bags.

Most early motorcycle saddlebag companies used studs, spots and conchs to decorate the saddlebags. Recently the more advanced motorcycle saddlebag companies have started manufacturing and offering saddlebags that are not only motorcycle specific but also match the color of the motorcycle. Another approach is to design the leather motorcycle saddle bags in such a way that it blends in with the overall design of the motorcycle. These advancements have resulted in more and more people willing to install saddlebags on their motorcycles.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jogjakarta Merzy Club

The formation of Jogjakarta Merzy Club originated from KMCI (Kawasaki Motor Club Indonesia). KMCI is an organization whose membership consists of owners of Kawasaki motorcycles manufacturers who stand around in the 1980s. Then in 1992 each of the Kawasaki brand want to stand alone, as a sub from KMCI then came the Kawasaki motorcycle clubs are covered by KMCI. One is the JMC.

JMC was incorporated in the organizational structure of IMMI. Due to a period between vacuum events occurred in 1998-2000, IMMI turn of stewardship and moved to new premises, files bylaws JMC disappeared. So that the JMC members never know when the exact date of JMC was formed. The information that we know only comes from the story Babe aka Mas Antok.

Until now there has never been JMC official stewardship, there are no rules or budget. Because they do not want to be bound by the rules. They agreed that the JMC is a community of lovers and enthusiasts Binter Merzy (a popular name for Kawasaki KZ200) in Jogjakarta. they consider JMC as a forum to establish brotherhood or friendship and information for the Merzy Mania where the members of JMC has a main goal of completing college.

Under the overpass Janti is where they often get-togethers at this time. A place for relaxing as well as sharing information.

Putting Into Practice The Concept Of Motorcycle Storage

Motorcycle storage is an important concept for many motorcycle riders, especially those who live in colder climates and only ride their bikes during the warmer months.  This type of storage will keep your motorcycle in tiptop shape and ensure that it is ready to ride when the weather warms up again.  There are a few tips which all motorcycle owners should consider as it relates to storing motorcycles.

Find Good Storage for a Reasonable Price

For many motorcycle owners storing their bike in their own garage during the colder months is an option for them and the best possible one as it doesn’t cost any money to do so.  If you don't own a garage and you want to store it inside during the winter the next step is to find a place to do so.  Depending on where you live you may know of an auto storage facility or garage in your area which stores bikes for a period of time.  This is a good option as long as it is a secure facility and the price is right. 


Work on the Motorcycle Prior to Storage

Depending if you are storing your bike inside or outside, there are a few things you may need to do in order to prepare the motorcycle for storage.  Items such as making sure your engine oil is clean, checking the fuel delivery systems and protecting the various components of the motorcycle from rusting if need be are all important things to consider doing.  The level of winterizing will depend on the storage area, climate in which you live and desire of the motorcycle owner to do so.  More information on this can be gained from your mechanic or motorcycle texts. 

Wash, Wax and Polish

It is also a good idea to give your motorcycle one last thorough cleaning prior to storing it for the wintertime.  In addition to a good wash you should also wax the paint and polish the chrome fixtures on the motorcycle.  This will ensure that all the dirt is off of the bike prior to putting it into storage for a few months. 

Change the Necessary Fluids

You should also consider changing various fluids in the motorcycle before storing it.  Some of the fluids which will need to be checked and changed may include brake fluid, hydraulic clutch fluid and coolant.  This will help to prevent any deposits from forming while it is in motorcycle storage. 

Take It Out For One Last Ride

Last but certainly not least, you should hop on your motorcycle for one last ride.  Find one of the last warm days and spend a couple of hours out on the open road.  Since it will be a while before you get a chance to do so again, taking the bike out for a spin before putting it into motorcycle storage will help to hold you over until the warm weather months arrive again.

Types of Motorcycles to Chose for the Ride

There are many different types of motorcycles for you to choose from so if you're looking for bike to ride you'll have your work cut out for you deciding what you should buy.

Touring bikes are large and heavy, which aren't a great choice for those people buying their first motorcycle. These big bikes, however, are great on a long road trip and they have a lot of storage room. Sport touring bikes are another choice that you can consider. These motorcycles have as much storage as a touring bike but aren't quite as big and hard to handle. If you really want to buy one of these motorcycles you might want to think about taking some riding lessons first to get you started and so that you feel comfortable with the bigger size motorcycle.

Yet another type of bike is the sport bike, which is much smaller and is used for sport riding. These smaller bikes are also known as crotch rockets, which is reflective of the way that they move like a fast rocket. You'll definitely want to take riding lessons before you get on one of these motorcycles since their speed can kill you.

A good starter motorcycle is the standard motorcycle, which will handle easy and give you the confidence to learn at your own level. You'll find that the ease of using this motorcycle lets you cruise all over town. The only disadvantage is that you won't be able to take it on long road trips.

The cruiser types of motorcycles such as the Harley Davidsons have a long, low, and sleek styling to them. These motorcycles are heavy and cumbersome, much like the touring bikes.

Yet another type of motorcycle that you can choose from are a bike called the Enduro. These motorcycles are great of off road biking or for taking on long trips for your vacation. Keep in mind that they are on the bulky side and can be hard to park in the city.

Buying a motorcycle is a purchase that you want to take your time making since you want to be sure that the bike is right for you and that you can handle it.

Aftermarket Motorcycle Parts or OEM parts?

Contrary to what many believe, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) motorcycle parts are not inherently better than aftermarket motorcycle parts. Like any product in a dynamic marketplace, aftermarket motorcycle parts manufacturers often find a way to improve upon the performance or the look of the part. A comparison of the two types of parts is often contrary to what many people assume.

OEM Motorcycle Parts:
An OEM part is part made by the same company that made the part for the original vehicle. Oftentimes, auto and motorcycle manufacturers don't make the parts themselves, but contract the job to a manufacturing company. A comparison of the two different types of parts shows the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Aftermarket Motorcycle Parts:
The manufactures of aftermarket motorcycle parts must apply for the rights to reproduce a part. Aftermarket motorcycle parts manufactures operate under strict guidelines and by nature of their profession must be absolutely precise in their design.

Good aftermarket motorcycle parts often can't be distinguished from the original. Additionally, manufacturers of aftermarket motorcycle parts have the flexibility to improve upon the design and the quality. Normally, aftermarket motorcycle parts are sold for much less than OEM parts. The possible downside to using aftermarket parts is, that if installed by a non-certified technician, could impact the warranty.

Finding Quality Aftermarket Motorcycle Parts:
Different company's aftermarket motorcycle parts will differ in look and quality. Your best bet is to find a highly reputable aftermarket motorcycle parts dealer who is in the know about all of the latest parts and manufacturers and who only offers the best quality after market motorcycle parts.

Who Uses Aftermarket Motorcycle Parts:
Those who build custom motorcycles use aftermarket parts to build bikes with fresh new designs and unique looks. Those with older model bikes often choose aftermarket motorcycle parts because parts for older models have often greatly improved since the original part was manufactured.

Insurance companies almost consistently choose identical aftermarket motorcycle parts to replace damaged bikes after an accident. When the price is cheaper and the quality is as good, if not better than the original, it makes sense to use aftermarket motorcycle parts.

Custom Aftermarket Motorcycle Parts:
Aftermarket motorcycle parts are essential for customized bikes. Aftermarket parts like wheels, tires, handlebars, frames, foot pegs, mirrors, etc. offer a great number of options in terms of customization. The wide variety of aftermarket motorcycle parts available today makes it easy to create an original looking bike.

There are lots of after market motorcycle parts to make fixing or customizing your bike inexpensive and simple. Before forking out too much cash on a comparable part, take stock of your aftermarket options.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Joy Riding With Your Child

If you are a parent of very young children there's no doubt you might be protective of them to ensure their safety. I know, I have two little boys of my own and they are a handful.

Children like to play and have fun when it comes to playing with toys and riding bicycles and scooters.

What if a parent wants to take his or her child for a joy ride on a scooter moped or motorcycle, where would the child sit? In front or in back? If it were me I would not bring a newborn baby or tiny toddler along for the ride unless I had him or her riding in front of me. Even then, I wouldn't bring a child on board a motorcycle or scooter moped unless he or she were at least four or five years old. This is where both safety and common sense discretion come into play.

Here are some common sense safety guidelines to remember when riding with children on your motorcycle, electric scooter or electric scooter moped.

1. When you are out joy riding and you take your small child with you, know the risk and start your child riding perhaps at the age of four or five.

2. When you sit your child on your motorcycle or electric scooter moped, have him or her ride in front of you and not behind. If you have your child ride behind there is a greater risk of falling off the bike while riding down the road.

3. When you ride, make sure you have an operator's license with a motorcycle endorsement along with liability insurance.

4. Whatever you do, never let other kids give rides to small toddlers on their scooters and electric scooters. Extra weight on a scooter makes it a little more difficult to control.

5. Above all, wear safety helmets. The better helmets are the ones that cover the entire face.

These are worthwhile safety tips that you should keep in mind while joy riding with a small child. So on your next joy ride with your little boy or girl, please be careful.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do You Really Need A Customized Motorcycle?

Motorcycles have been popular for decades and more people realize their dream of owning one every year. But, shopping for a motorcycle that fits you comfortably can be very time consuming. You have to be comfortable while riding and you need to be able to control the bike for safety. Most motorcycle accidents happen to new riders who have not chosen their motorcycle wisely. A customized motorcycle that is designed exactly the way you want it might not be the best option either.

Although a motorcycle that is built especially for you might be pleasing to the eye there are considerations
1. A customized motorcycle can cost upwards of $100,000.00, more than buying a house.
2. Finding a reputable builder
3. It usually takes months to build
4. Insurance and cost of repairs
5. Replacement would be difficult if not impossible
Although you can't customize all of the features of a prebuilt motorcycle from your local dealer, there are many that you can. Having someone build a customized motorcycle for you is an option but, you may find you can make the changes you are looking for to a bike at your local dealer.
1. Order a motorcycle from a dealer and change some of the options
2. These motorcycles have a manufacturer's warranty that can be easily extended
3. The price is more affordable and can often be negotiated
4. Easily customizable with readily available parts
There are some bikers that are capable of building their own custom motorcycle and many of them have. The main reason a person may need a customized motorcycle would be a disability that prevents them from riding a standard one. Even with this in mind it is possible to find a bike from a local dealer that can be modified at the factory to fit the need. This type of option would still require a little time to build but would be much more affordable.
Another reason for a special build would be weight. The average motorcycle recommends a 350 pound weight limit. This could make it difficult and dangerous for a large person to carry a rider. There are options for these situations as well, consider a side car or a trike rather than a customized motorcycle.
If you are especially short or tall you might think you can't find a bike that fits you comfortably but, that's not the case. You may need to shop around a little more but most manufactures provide a variety of styles to fit just about every rider and you will find one you are comfortable with.
The point is, you don't need to have an expensive customized motorcycle built for you unless you want it. But if you choose to have one custom built to your specifications you will want to make sure you choose a reputable builder unless you plan to build it yourself. Find out about their warranty if any and refund policies if you are not satisfied. In most cases the builder will require a significant deposit that may not be refundable. You will want to be involved as the build progresses to insure your desires are being met.
Owning and riding your own motorcycle can be a very relaxing way to spend your free time, and an inexpensive form of transportation especially with the price of gas today. The average motorcycle holds about 4 gallons of gas and can get up to 300 miles per tank full.